1 Results


Halasuru, Bengaluru


Halasuru, Bengaluru

Radisson, Ulsoor, Halasuru, Central Bengaluru is a luxurious boutique hotel located on the serene banks of Ulsoor Lake. Positioned in a prime location, it is close to ...

FAQs About Halasuru

Venues vary in size, accommodating anywhere from small gatherings to large celebrations.

Some venues may have preferred vendors or specific decor guidelines; it's best to check with them directly.

Availability varies, but some venues may offer options for last-minute reservations.

Common amenities include audio-visual equipment, stage setups, and catering options.

Many venues have contingency plans for weather-related issues, providing indoor alternatives.

Price Insights of Halasuru

  • Average Venue Pricing Ranges from ₹6 Lakhs to ₹11 Lakhs
    Average Venue Pricing Ranges from ₹6 Lakhs to ₹11 Lakhs
    Most couples find venues within this price range suitable for their wedding needs
  • Strong Demand for Indoor Spaces
    Strong Demand for Indoor Spaces
    Approximately 70% of bookings are for indoor venues due to climate considerations
  • Promotions for Off-Peak Seasons
    Promotions for Off-Peak Seasons
    Many venues offer discounted rates during off-peak times to attract more bookings.